Trade-In Tech
by on February 11, 2020

If you are an electronics dealer wanting to sell your refurbished or used merchandise, you need to find a reliable company to work with to advertise your goods. There are many different marketplaces, but there are some key differences between all of them. Every online store is different in how it handles various fees, commissions, and listings. You ideally want to choose the best option for your business. This can mean picking the store that has the best fee structure, or it may mean something else to you.



eBay has been around for many years and has been known to be quite reliable, but their fee structure isn’t exactly as good as it once was when it comes to selling merchandise. Back in the day, eBay fees were a lot less expensive than they are currently. There are listing fees when you use eBay, but those fees are only applicable if you list more than 50 items per month. If you are planning to do a large volume of electronics listings, the listing fees may add up to a sizable amount. eBay will also make you surrender a final value fee of 10 percent to them. eBay does have a very sizable consumer base, however.


Swappa isn’t quite as known as eBay, but they are another marketplace in which you can sell your used electronics. There aren’t any fees that sellers need to pay on Swappa, but the buyers of the electronics do have to take on the burden of the fees. Some buyers, of course, may not appreciate having to pay a fee on top of the purchase price of their item. So, while it may be convenient for the seller to not pay the fee, their method of charging the buyer a fee may turn away potential purchasers.

While other marketplaces charge listing fees, monthly fees, final selling fees or a variety of the three, Trade-In Tech doesn’t charge any fees to sell your used electronics on their platform. It doesn’t matter if you have one item or hundreds of items to sell, their website offers you the freedom to list and sell for free. Also, the members of their website are heavily verified, so you can rest assured that you’re dealing with reputable buyers when you choose to use their platform to sell your electronics.


Newegg isn’t exactly new as many people know they can purchase electronics on their site. However, some people don’t realize that they can also sell their used electronics on Newegg as well. With Newegg and their platform, you may be dealing with a monthly subscription fee in order to sell your used electronics. In addition to possibly having to pay a monthly fee, Newegg also charges sellers a per-item commission of 8 to 15 percent. This per-item commission varies depending on the category in which the merchandise is listed.


Amazon is a very large marketplace where you can sell your used electronics. Many people have heard of them already, so it is a well-known avenue of buying and selling merchandise. However, Amazon charges a sizable monthly fee in order to sell merchandise on their website. If you sell less than 40 items per month, Amazon will only charge you a fee of 99 cents per item plus final selling fees. However, if you sell more than 40 items per month, be prepared to pay their $39.99 monthly seller fee on top of their final selling fees.


BackMarket is another avenue you may choose to use to sell your used electronics. With BackMarket, there is a monthly fee to sell products on their website. They also charge their resellers a commission of 10 percent per item that they sell on their site.

Payment Fees

An additional thing to keep in mind when you’re perusing sites to sell your electronics on is how they handle payments for the electronics you’re selling. For instance, eBay typically encourages their buyers to pay for their merchandise with Paypal. If you’re not familiar with how Paypal works, you may want to know that Paypal will take a fee-based upon how much money you’re receiving for your item. Their fees may not seem like much to sellers at first, but those fees can really tend to add up if you sell electronics in large quantities.


Also, decide beforehand whether you wish to offer refunds to your potential customers if they are unhappy with the merchandise they purchase. Some sites allow you to deny refunds. Other sites may not be as lenient. Some fraudulent buyers may take advantage of a generous refund policy.

Verification of Buyers

Make sure that whatever platform you decide to sell electronics on will do their best to make sure potential buyers are very reputable. Because electronics tend to be high-priced items, you don’t want to work with buyers who are of low reputation. Finding quality buyers for your goods is of key importance when you are trying to sell your merchandise. No one needs the hassle of dealing with dishonest purchasers.

Global Marketplace

You’ll want to check with each marketplace you’re considering listing your electronics with to make sure they offer global sales if that’s something you’re interested in offering. Not all marketplaces are able to offer global sales options to their sellers. Keep in mind that limiting your electronics sales to only one country can really prevent you from making a larger quantity of sales. Ideally, to have a good business model, you’ll want to make sure your customers can access the electronics that you have to sell globally. Just make sure you charge enough for shipping costs in order to cover the costs of shipping your goods to other countries. Shipping costs can be quite varied depending on the location where the buyer is receiving the item.

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